e-Learning in electrical engineering

The first phase of the evaluation: students' expectations

2. Perception of the studies

2.1. Level of the scores obtained in the past year

Generally speaking, the level of the scores of the Belgian students is the lowest along the assembly of the questioned students.
The Romanian students have the highest level of the scores.
In Romania we note the greatest dispersion of the marks and in Belgium the highest concentration of the scores (9/10 by the students are focused on two levels "enough" and "quite well")

2.2. Perception of the level of difficulty

Generally speaking, the studies are felt as difficult, especially in Portugal, than in Belgium, France and Romania.

2.3. Success foreseeing

The Romanian students are the more pessimistic in what concern the probability to pass the exams in the first session the Portuguese ones are the more optimistic

2.4. Time to study

The average time to study is quite homogenous along the countries, but in France is a little less and in Romania a little more.

2.5. Synthesis






Time to study










Level of difficulty





Success foreseeing





The average Romanian student seems to be the most pessimistic in what concern the success possibility, even he had obtained the best results than the students from the other countries. Even he doesn't find the studies the most difficult, he works most. The Romanian student is, probably, the most exigent with himself and he is most implied in his studies, more than the students from the other countries, implied in the inquiring.

The average Portuguese student seems to be the most optimistic in what concern the success possibility. Otherwise, even he finds the studies the most difficult, he does not spend more time to study than the average of the students from different implied countries, but his marks of the past year are good comparing with the average. Probably, he experiences easier than the other students a difficulty feeling?

The qualitative interviews, stipulated as continuation of the evaluation, will allow studying thoroughly these perceptions on the studies.

The average Belgian student is very optimistic in what concern the success possibility. Even he finds the studies very difficult and the marks obtained during the past year are the smallest comparing with the average, the time to study corresponds to the mean. The next personal interviews will allow determining also, the weight of resignation in this attitude for the studies.

The average Portuguese student seems to be the most realistic in what concern the success possibility. He foresees an average chance of success and the scores obtained during the past year correspond also to the mean. Even he finds the studies difficult, he is the one who spends less of time to study.

The personal interviews of the teaching stuff and of the students will allow determining more precisely the correlations between these attitudes and different perceptions and the particular contexts of each type of learning system.

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Site coordinator: Damien Grenier | Realization: Sophie Labrique | © e-lee.net
Last update: 2005, September, 30 | Translation: Sergiu Ivanov