Who is best suited to evaluate the developed teaching tools than their users, teachers or students? In the present, a large questioning operation is in place within the partner institutions of the e-LEE project. It is conducted by an independent expert.
Up to now, more than 900 students have answered to the questionnaires in Belgium, France, Portugal and Romania . Their teachers and some of them, selected as representatives for a certain student's profile, were also interviewed, face to face, by the independent evaluator.
The evaluation procedure consists in two phases.
- The identification of the expectations of the teachers and of the students from these tools. Within this phase, we are trying to clarify the followed objectives by the teachers when using the multimedia resources within their teaching method. What do they hope obtaining, what is redundant? In the same time, we ask the students what they think about these tools, even before using them. We use the opportunity, to collect information about the socio-cultural context of their evolution.
- After using these tools, a second inquiring is developed for evaluating the manner how these tools were used and received by the students. Are identified profiles-type of students that used differently the tools and representative students of the most interesting profiles are interviewed face to face, in order to perform a multifaceted analysis.
The procedure is re-iterated how many times is necessary, allowing changing the multimedia resources or their usage in order to accomplish best the initial objectives.