e-Learning in electrical engineering

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The present evaluation can be divided in several steps:

Phase 1 Defining the objectives Oct. 2003
  Meeting evaluator / project promoters  
Phase 2 Expectations of the teachers and of the students Feb./Mar. 2004
  • Meeting evaluator / the other teachers implied, in order to define their expectations.
  • Presentation, by the evaluator, in front of the different groups of students, of the purpose of his intervention and of the evaluation methodology, in order to obtain their full and complete collaboration of all of them.
  • Quantitative questioning of the students for defining their expectations. Will be assured the secret of the identity in relation with the teachers. An individual identification system will operate, in order to recapture the answers of each questioned students along the whole evaluation procedure.
  • Download here the questionnaire


Phase 3 Evaluation of the tools June 2004

The phase 3 of the evaluation will follow to determine the ways the students appreciate the didactic tools at their use. This phase will held in May 2004, by using quantitative questionnaires and individual interviews.

  • UCL : June / September 2004 (it follows)
Site coordinator: Damien Grenier | Realization: Sophie Labrique | © e-lee.net
Last update: 2005, September, 30 | Translation: Sergiu Ivanov