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Question 4: demonstration

The motor is supplied by the rated voltage. The motor is suddenly disconnected and the evolution of the speed is plotted during the free stop (Figure 11).

Figure 11

From now, we will consider the time origin at the instant t0, respectively t0 = 0.

Moment of inertia J. From the general equation of the speed in the instant of the disconnection


it results


The static torque in the instant of the disconnection Ts0 is due to only mechanical looses,


and the ratio dt/dW can be determined by tracing the tangent to the speed curve in the disconnection instant. It results


Finally it is obtained




The viscous frictions coefficientkv. In the instant of the disconnection


so, it could be written




The general equation of the speed during the free stop


has the solution




the mechanical time constant.

By writing the general solution for the instant t = ts, W = 0, it results

, respectively .

By expressing the dry frictions torque Tf from (1),


the previous equation becomes


For the left side of the previous equation, we take into account (1) and we obtain:


It results:


Taking also into account the expression (2) of the mechanical time constant, it results the equation:


In this equation, the unknown variable is kv.

The equation (4) is non linear one, the form of the solution being


where W(a) is the W Lambert function. This is the inverse of the function . Its value for


results as solution of the equation


that could be solved by numerical iterations.

Finally, for the experimental values, is obtained

kv = 0,003262 Nms.

Dry frictions torque Tf. It can be computed directly using (3). It results

Tf = 0,1 Nm.

Site coordinator: Damien Grenier | Realization: Sophie Labrique | © e-lee.net
Last update: 2005, September, 30 | Translation: Sergiu Ivanov | Realization: Florin Ravigan, Cristian Vladu