The states of the Kj and K¢j switches must be complementary. In order to allow the flow of the ij current, without connecting in short-circuit the source U, we must have
For passing from (Kj ON and K¢j OFF) to (Kj OFF and K¢j ON), two cases must be considered
Passing from (Kj ON, K¢j OFF) to (Kj OFF, K¢j ON) for ij > 0.
If ij is positive,
The commutation from Kj ON (TJ conducting) to K¢j ON (D¢j conducting) is performed by commanding the turning off of the Tj (figure 8).
Figure 8
When Tj is OFF, we can command the ON state of T¢j to ensure that K¢j rests closed even the current ij stops being positive and becomes negative
Passing from (Kj ON, K¢j OFF) to (Kj OFF, K¢j ON) for ij < 0.
If ij is negative,
The commutation from Kj ON (DJ conducting) to K¢j ON (T¢j conducting) is performed by commanding the turning on of the T¢j after previously turning off of the Tj, in order to avoid the simultaneous conduction of Tj and T¢j and the short-circuit of the source U (figure 11).
Figure 11
For passing from Kj ON, K¢j OFF to Kj OFF, K¢j ON, we command the turning off of the Tj, then, after a delay td the turning on of the T¢j:
The delay td