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5. Problems to be solved

Depending on the generator and receiver characteristics, must be determined

  • the quarter(s) of the u-i plan where the switches must

    • be able to be in ON state

    • be able to be in OFF state

  • the changes of the states that we can (must) command and on this base the choice, for each switch, of the adequate semiconductor element or semiconductors ensemble.

It is also necessary to watch to perform the changes of the controlled states in such manner to

  • ensure the continuity of the currents in the inductances

  • ensure the continuity of the voltages across the terminals of the capacitors

  • put not in short-circuit the voltage sources

  • leave not open the current sources

that we find within the generator and the receiver.

To obtain this, the switches must be controlled in a proper manner and, if necessary, the characteristics of the generator or of the receiver must be adapted by adding inductances in series with their terminals or capacitors in parallel with these terminals.

Site coordinator: Damien Grenier | Thematic coordinator: Francis Labrique | Realization: Sophie Labrique | © e-lee.net
Last update: 2005, September, 30 | Translation: Sergiu Ivanov